Kentwood Public Schools

diverse group of students


Kentwood is a place where a globally diverse community and public school district unite to provide opportunities to live and learn in an inclusive and supportive setting. 与家长和社区合作,在安全的环境下教育所有学生, secure environment, the mission of Kentwood Public Schools 是在一个追求卓越、公平和多样性的环境中教育学生. The goal is for each student to master and apply the essential skills needed to be a successful and globally competitive citizen. 我们的学生和员工在uedbet官网伍德的日常生活中树立了三个重要的骄傲点:

  1. Grit. Our students have the inner strength and intellectual capability to meet and rise above life’s challenges.
  2. 积极的人际关系和高期望值. 积极的人际关系为克服困难的生活环境提供了必要的支持. Positive relationships provide the strength to meet high expectations and tackle what feels like the impossible.
  3. 全球学校注重卓越. We succeed on an international stage because Kentwood has a global perspective with a commitment to excellence in all that we do.

District Mission


Career Learning

We offer career and technical coursework through the Kent Career Tech Center and East Kentwood High School. 我们帮助学生考虑和联系可能的职业, 建立工作场所所需的技能,并了解毕业后的选择, including college, 技术培训或直接进入劳动力市场. See "Fund Allocation" below for how Enhancement dollars are allowing us to expand these opportunities. 

In addition, we are exposing elementary and middle school students to more careers while expanding the coursework and opportunities for students to experience different careers when they get to high school. Electronic resources are provided to allow students to explore careers and help them prepare for careers in high school.

Academics and Beyond

强大的学术能力是所有从识字开始的K-12学习的基础, mathematics, science and social studies. In addition to these areas, 我们为学生提供广泛的课程,包括烹饪艺术, Environmental Science, 非裔美国文学和大学写作. Students are able to choose from 21 Advanced Placement (AP) courses and a multitude of dual enrollment options. 课前和课后的机会包括爵士乐队, competitive athletics and clubs such as National Art Honor Society and Robotics are available to students as well. K-12 English Learners also receive a comprehensive range of language support services by certified EL Teachers, 经认证的学术干预专家或辅助专业人士. Language acquisition instruction is designed to promote the academic performance of EL students and ensure they acquire the same knowledge and skills as their peers. Newcomer Centers are provided at both elementary and middle school levels to allow students to receive extended instruction time which accelerates their language proficiency and progress toward understanding academic content in the general education curriculum. EL teachers, general education teachers and building administrators receive high quality professional development regarding instructional strategies for supporting and sustaining EL programs. We also have after-school opportunities ranging from athletics and fine arts to ARCH programs.

New in the fall of 2019, we've developed a middle college program with Grand Rapids Community College and Davenport University. The 东uedbet官网伍德中学 is a unique educational opportunity that will allow students to graduate with a high school diploma, 可转换的大学学分和从10年级开始的文学副学士学位. EKMC旨在帮助学生为高等教育学习和/或就业做好准备.

Support for Students

We work hard to support students so they succeed, including hiring the best staff to assist them. In addition, we have behavior and academic interventionists to enhance skills for students who may need extra help. 我们的uedbet官网uedbet官网网络为家庭提供必要的医疗保健服务, 心理健康咨询和家庭外展中心.

Early Childhood

幼儿期是儿童一生中至关重要的时期, a time when they engage in the world around them and learn all the basics they'll use in school and beyond. 我们的学前教育项目帮助孩子们为学校的成功做好准备. 此外,我们还提供基于学费的学前课程和广泛的辅导.

Fund Allocation


  • 我们扩大了职业技术教育项目
    • In August 2017, we added 2 full time teachers which helped us expand the program to meet the demand of the students. Our Residential Construction program continues to be a popular program on campus as enrollment continues to climb. 该计划被批准在盖恩斯镇建造一个8套住房的开发项目. 这是不可能的,没有改进的美元.
    • In September 2018, we 加强了我们的“视频制作”课程, supported by a full service broadcast room complete with updated equipment that allows students to produce the Falcon News Network on a daily basis with live and remote broadcasts. In addition, 我们开始发展烹饪艺术课程和生活技能课程. A small renovation to the high school will allow for an upgrade to the current space allowing for more students and increase choices in these curriculum. 如果没有增强,这两个CTE计划都是不可能实现的.
  • In respect to the K-3 reading law we added three support staff to assure we have intentional lessons for all K-3 students in reading comprehension and fluency. 为了做到这一点, 我们还增加了三名全职教师,以减少师生比例或班级规模.
  • We work collaboratively with uedbet官网uedbet官网网 (KSSN) to bring support services to our individual schools in Kentwood. KSSN brings health and human services into the school building to serve students and families. 这个想法被称为“社区学校”.“在学校提供服务消除了家庭的许多障碍, 并有助于让学生留在课堂上. 当学生在课堂上,他们可以继续学习和取得成就. Because of the enhancement millage we were able to add two new schools this year and plan to add more in the future.
  • We added a "Youth Action Camp" in conjunction with the Michigan Center for Civic Education (MCCE). The summer program is instrumental for Secondary students in Kentwood to reflect best practices in civic and law-related education and provide experiences that are relevant, rigorous, 并与现实生活经验相联系. 



  • 2017-18年度收到的金额为1,934,367美元.28
  • 2018-19年度收到的金额为2,087,023美元.49
  • 2019-20年度收到的金额为2194143美元.93
  • 2020-21年度收到的金额为2,307,661美元.13
  • 2021-22年度收到的金额为2405641美元.91
  • 预计2022-23年度金额为2,583,073美元.35



Kentwood Public Schools, 与家长和社会一起, 将教育所有的学生在一个安全的, secure environment. 我们致力于卓越、公平和多元化的教育. 我们的目标是让每个学生掌握并应用基本技能,以取得成功, productive citizens.

About Our District


Grit:  Our students have the inner strength and intellectual capability to meet and rise above life’s challenges.

积极的人际关系和高期望值: 积极的人际关系为克服困难的生活环境提供了必要的支持.  Positive relationships provide the strength to meet high expectations and tackle what feels like the impossible.  

全球学校注重卓越: We succeed on an international stage because Kentwood has a global perspective with a commitment to excellence in all that we do.


Kentwood Public Schools