
Strong Schools, Strong Communities

Known for its committed faculty, 格兰维尔公立学校 has been a premier public school district in West Michigan for more than a century.  一份大约5份,700 students in Young Kindergarten through 12th grade with seven elementary schools from Walker to Grandville to 怀俄明.  我们提供儿童保育服务, 学前教育, 社区 Education and a transitional program for young adults with special needs.  We have one of the highest Advanced Placement course offerings in West Michigan.  2017年新品, the district is opening Pathways High School, a blended-learning educational option for 10th-12th grade students who are credit deficient.  Strengthening our schools strengthens our future workforce, helping develop talent right here in our district. The students and staff in Grandville are grateful to our voters for approving the Strong Schools, 强大社区村, which we are putting to good use for students.


Improving lives by producing successful, life-long learners


We help students consider and connect with possible careers, build the skills expected in the workplace and learn about options after graduation, 包括大学, technical training or going directly into the workforce. We offer career and technical coursework through uedbet官网, through elective offerings in our high school, and through one of the premier robotics programs in the country.除了, our district is committed to partnerships with local businesses to provide students with insight and experience within many career fields. These include experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. Our 1:1 technology initiative provides students with the necessary tools to acquire skills needed to thrive in the 21st Century.    


Strong academics are the basis for all of K-12 learning, 从读写能力开始, 数学, 科学, 社会研究. 除了这些领域, we engage students with a wide range of courses including Advanced Placement, 商业和职业, 制造技术,  引擎技术, 法医学网页设计, 计算机科学, 市场营销, 艺术, and certification to be an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).  We take pride in the multiple opportunities our students can experience after school as well. We have a state of the art fitness center with a certified trainer on staff. 除了, 我们提供K-12州教育, 国家, and inter国家ly recognized Robotics Program and 29 varsity sport offerings that rank in the top 20 in the state of Michigan.


Early childhood is a crucial time in children’s lives, a time when they engage in the world around them and learn all the basics they’ll use in school and beyond. Our Great Start Readiness Preschool classrooms help children prepare for school success.  We offer an all day every day young kindergarten experience as well as traditional kindergarten. We take pride in providing custom learning plans for every child.


Most students will need a little help at some point in their schooling. They might struggle with a particular subject, 一项任务, or a life challenge for themselves or their family. We work hard to support students so they succeed, including hiring the best staff to assist them. 除了, we have a comprehensive multi-tiered system of support that ensures every child experiences the essential knowledge and skills needed now, 为了下一阶段的学习, 对于生活来说.  Additional supports are provided when a student needs intervention and additional time to learn what is essential.


How Grandville is currently using the funds generated from the voter-approved millage:

  • We have reduced kindergarten class size across the district to the low twenties to provide stronger attention to literacy and math essentials
  • We have established a comprehensive mental health support system by adding certified mental health coordinators to service our students and families


格兰维尔公立学校 has received the following in enhancement millage dollars: 

  • 2017-28 amount received - $1,203,019.30
  • 2018-19 amount received - $1,281,075.60
  • 2019-20 amount received - $1,336,475.15
  • 2020-21 amount received - $1,403,251.90
  • 2021-22 amount received - $1,456,838.40
  • 2022-23 amount expected - $1,533,188.93


Improving lives by producing successful, life-long learners.


Known for its committed faculty, 格兰维尔公立学校 has been a premier public school district in West Michigan for more than a century.

一份大约5份,700 students in Young Kindergarten through 12th grade with seven elementary schools from Walker to Grandville to 怀俄明. 我们提供儿童保育服务, 学前教育, 社区 Education and a transitional program for young adults with special needs. We have one of the highest Advanced Placement course offerings in West Michigan.

2017年新品, the district is opening Pathways High School, a blended-learning educational option for 10th-12th grade students who are credit deficient.

