Multi-Tiered System of 支持

Achieve Academic 和 行为al Success with mts!

The uedbet官网ISD mts Team collaborates with Michigan's Multi-Tiered System of 支持 技术援助 Center to support our districts in developing an mts framework. 

“Education continues to rely on the “excellent teacher” myth rather than on the “改进系统”方法. Excellent teachers are a gift, 和 we should admire, learn from 和 support them. 但真正的问题是如何 

  • train more “excellent teachers,” 
  • give them curricula that really works,
  • 和 give them a system that makes it easier 和 more likely that excellent teaching happens by design rather than by heroic efforts to overcome the system.” (罗伯·霍纳2013)


The mts framework is designed to give every student the best chance to excel academically 和 behaviorally in school. Evidence-based strategies are used to promote sustainable changes that support student achievement 和 growth. The essential components of mts include:

  • 团队的领导
  • 分层派送系统
  • Selection 和 Implementation of 指令, Interventions, 和 支持
  • 全面的检查 & 评估系统
  • Continuous Data-Based Decision Making

mts triangle explaining tiers of support


我们的 team assists districts in developing the ability to implement efficient 和 effective systems support to ALL students. We offer resources 和 opportunities for professional learning to enhance the leadership teams of districts 和 cultivate an environment of collaboration 和 achievement.


The uedbet官网ISD mts Team is dedicated to providing essential tools 和 practices to educators ensuring that all students 和 families receive support 和 achieve success. We aim to help all students reach their full potential through purposeful assessment, 数据驱动的指令, 主要的干预措施, 和 continuous 改善ment cycles.


The uedbet官网ISD mts program assists teachers 和 staff in implementing Positive 行为 Interventions & 支持, Ongoing Data-Based Problem Solving, 和 Scientifically Based Reading Research throughout the district. 我们的 服务和支持 includes professional learning, coaching, 和 technical assistance.

Connecting Organizations for Education Excellence

我们的 mts team maintains connections with 各个组织 that keep them updated on the latest research, news, 和 trends in education. Their top priority is to make sure that your voice is heard at every level of education. The team consists of members from The Reading League of Michigan, The ELA Network Team for Michigan Association of Intermediate 负责人 Administrators (MAISA), 和 The Partners in Reading Success Group.

mts的新闻 & 更新

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While all of the districts in uedbet官网ISD are engaged in this extremely difficult work, some are getting state-level recognition...
Define Your Classroom Expectations with CHAMPS
Creating a classroom environment that is welcoming, 结构化, 和 has an overall positive feel is something all educators...


IES mts B Trial: Key Takeaways for District 和 State 引领ers (2023年1月):

  1. Multiple rigorous studies show that PBIS has the potential to 改善 一系列的 学生的结果.
  2. 一级PBIS可以是 最有效的最需要帮助的学生.
  3. Don’t expect PBIS to 改善 academic achievement without a focus on improving the quality of academic instruction.
  4. Supporting teachers’ implementation of classroom PBIS practices is critical for improving 学生的结果.
  5. 建立地区能力 may be necessary for sustainable 改善ment in outcomes.


2022-2023 mts 专业学习 Fast Facts

1,198 uedbet官网 Attended 138 Virtual 和 In-Person mts 专业学习 Opportunities
3,782 SCECHs Earned By 472 uedbet官网
35 Districts 和 PSA's in Kent County Participated in mts 专业学习 Opportunities, Along With uedbet官网 From 16 Other Counties in Michigan.
5,758.5 培训时数


克里斯汀•赖斯, mts协调员

约翰Mudie, mts顾问

Monique Hovinga, mts顾问

马克抽奖活动, Educational Consultant (ELA/SS)

朱莉·哈特曼, 持续改进 Consultant

劳拉·欧登, 持续改进 Consultant

斯蒂芬妮Villalta, 持续改进 Consultant


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